The Catholic Intellectual Tradition

The C21 Center published these guides to encourage faculty, students, 各地的人们都在思考天主教传统的礼物,并积极参与到对话中来.

Video Series

What is the CIT?

CIT是由信仰和理性的深刻合作铸就的,就像一个硬币的两面. 它反映了一种信念,即理性的人需要理解他们的信仰,才能使其可信. 同样,深入的推理导致了终极问题,鼓励了信仰的回应. However, for any of us in the everyday of life, CIT的这种信仰/理性的合作关系最强烈地围绕着太阳城网赌平台自己的重大问题,比如“我们从哪里来??”; “Who or what are we?”; and “Where are we going?“应对这些终极问题需要信仰和理性的共同努力, and at times, perhaps in fruitful tension.

Sacramental Principle

也许天主教对世界的人生观最具决定性的特征是圣礼原则. While it can be described in many ways, 这归结为一种在平凡中看到更多东西的态度, the ultimate in the created order. 总是有“比我们所看到的更多的东西”,这是神的同在和有效的爱在起作用——我们所说的“恩典”.这一圣礼原则通过鼓励人们深入观察一切事物,塑造了天主教的知识传统, with a rigorous examination of reality. 我们越能“看透一切”,我们就越能认识到,所有的受造物都反映了上帝的爱,并因上帝的爱而存在.

Faith and Reason

只有理性可能会专注于知道是什么,而不太可能问为什么是这样. On the other hand, 只有信仰才会倾向于关注事物为什么是这样,而忽略了关于事物是什么和信仰的要求的数据. 只有当信仰与理性结合,当理性与信仰结合,人们才最有可能深刻地审视生活的现实, and to ask ultimate questions about those realities. 正因为如此,CIT能够鼓励学术界各学科之间以及跨学科之间的对话, with all working together to empower the search for wholeness.

Focusing the Theme

CIT的核心是相信上帝以多种方式与我们沟通. In other words, 神的话语不仅通过圣经的启示,而且通过现实的结构和神的整个创造秩序来到我们面前(见罗马书1:19 -20)。. 我们在约翰福音的开头几行中听到了这种信念,在那里,这个词 logos refers to the revealed "word" of God and connotes human "reason" as well. 正是上帝话语中的真理和人类理性的结合,使天主教信仰能够围绕工作价值等社会问题提出令人信服的论点, and that justice demands a living wage for all workers. 

Transforming Lives

CIT的一个独特之处在于让学生接触伟大的思想(通常是通过接触像柏拉图这样的伟大思想家), Aristotle, Augustine, and so on). It does so not simply to learn about them but to learn from them for life. 这就是信仰与理性的结合如何融入到对学生有利的CIT中. It invites them to take great ideas to heart, to make them their own, and to do so from a faith perspective— faith in themselves, in others, in life, and, grounding all, in God. 因为CIT反映了一种信念,即所有的智力工作都追求真理, which is ever grounded in ultimate Truth, 能帮助人们将来自不同学科的伟大思想联系起来吗, even more importantly, with their own lives.

Law of Social Justice

人们对“知识分子”一词的普遍刻板印象是,一个孤独的学者更关心思想,而不是真正的问题. 相比之下,在CIT中,信仰和理性结合在一起,实际上是一种精神上的认识方式. This can make a world of difference to Catholic higher education, for example, making its law school education more likely to promote justice for all.

Informing Caregivers

The CIT can empower our striving for wholeness. However, 当我们面对不稳定的生活时,信仰与理性的结合是最需要的, as in facing serious illness or the reality of death. 作为一所天主教学院或大学,培养人们从事护理等帮助性职业, 它可以提供一种独特的资源,鼓励人们在最需要的时候关心和同情人类的处境.

Open to All Truth

St. Augustine said some 1,500 years ago that “catholic” means to be open to the truth, wherever it can be found. Yet, 许多世纪以来,教会本身都不向非基督教宗教开放学习——直到第二次梵蒂冈大公会议才发生这种情况. Throughout the centuries, however, 天主教会一贯教导说,所有善良的人, through no fault of their own, do not have access to Christian faith, yet can be saved by “baptism of desire.” Vatican II and its “Declaration on Non Christian Religions” (Nostra Aetate) went a significant step further; it encouraged respect for and dialogue with nonChristian religions precisely because they have “a ray of that truth which enlightens all people.”

Catholic Higher Education

CIT是古代天主教信念的缩影,可以追溯到教会的起源,即信仰和理性, divine revelation and human scholarship, are necessary partners to each other. 历史的篇章中充满了没有“理性”的调节作用的“信仰”的危险的例子.” Likewise, 没有信仰的引导和高于我们自身的真理源泉的推理同样是危险的. Yet, holding the two—faith and reason—in mutuality, sometimes in fruitful tension rather than choosing either/or, can be a challenge. In many ways, 现代大学正是以其张力的瓦解和对理性的偏爱为标志的. 天主教的高等教育要抵制这样做的诱惑并不容易.



Gregory Kalscheur

Dean, Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences