
New McMullen Museum exhibition explores the legacy of a lost generation

上图:艺术家|艺术家:阿米莉亚Pelaez (1896-1968) & Marta Arjona (1923–2006); ceramicist | ceramista: ren Martínez Palenzuela (1956–) 瓷砖为Salesian Rosa p雷斯贝拉斯科住宅壁画 | Azulejos de cerámica para el mural de la casa Salesiana Rosa Pérez Velasco, 1956/1999 ceramic tiles | azulejos de cerámica, 泛美艺术项目

An exclusive exhibition at the 麦克马伦艺术博物馆 at 太阳城网赌平台 casts a revealing light on how women played a major role in Cuba’s avant-gardemovement

失落的一代:女性陶艺家和古巴先锋派, on view in the museum's Daley Family and Monan Galleries from January 29 to June 2, examines the participants and artistic output from 1949 to 1959 of the Taller de Santiago de las Vegas, 哈瓦那郊区的一个陶瓷作坊..

This bilingual (English-Spanish) exhibition is the first to show how these innovative works by women ceramicists influenced other artists of that period whose focus was on more established media. 直到现在, 组织者注意, Cuban avant-garde (vanguardia) design has been defined as a male-dominated movement.

近200件作品中的大部分在展览中展出 迷惘的一代 are from a private collection, and have never before been exhibited in the United States.

“麦克马伦先生很高兴向大家介绍 迷惘的一代, the seventh exhibition organized as part of its Hispanic Art Initiative, 谁会冒险进入很少被探索的领域, women-dominated medium of mid-twentieth-century Cuban artistic ceramics,南希·内泽说, 就职典礼罗伯特·L. 朱迪斯·T. 温斯顿麦克马伦博物馆馆长和艺术史教授.

多亏了私人收藏家和画廊慷慨的贷款, curator Elizabeth Thompson Goizueta [McMullen Museum adjunct curator] has assembled an outstanding selection of ceramics produced in the visionary Dr. 胡安·米格尔Rodríguez德拉克鲁兹的Taller de Santiago de las Vegas. Thompson Goizueta has paired the ceramics with paintings and sculptures by Cuba’s second- and third-generation modernists to reveal for the first time how the avant-garde ceramicists’ innovations exerted powerful influence on artists working in more traditional media.”

艺术家|艺术家马里亚诺RodrÃ-guez (1912<e:1> 90) 
陶艺家|陶艺家胡安·米格尔RodrÃ-guez de la Cruz (1902<e:2> 90)
Water Jug with Abstract Roosters | Porrón con gallos abstractos, 1952
彩绘陶瓷| cerÃ’mica pintada,拉丁艺术核心

artist | artista 马里亚诺·罗德里格斯 (1912–90) ceramicist | ceramista 胡安·米格尔Rodríguez德拉克鲁兹 (1902–90) Water Jug with Abstract Roosters | Porrón con gallos abstractos, 1952年彩绘陶瓷| cerámica pintada, 拉丁艺术核心

A decade of artistic experimentation primarily by little-known women ceramicists had deep reverberations both for the acceptance of ceramics as a fine art form in Cuba and for the symbiotic relationship that flourished between the ceramicists and the painters—largely men—who visited the Taller to learn the craft. The painters in turn applied new techniques and methodologies to their two-dimensional production, 现在被认为是古巴先锋派的代名词.

拥有近150个花瓶, 杯子, 水壶, 壁画, 还有来自顶级私人和画廊收藏的盘子, 迷惘的一代 displays for the first time many of the Taller’s finest ceramics in conversation with dozens of paintings and sculptures by 阿米莉亚Pelaez, Rene Portocarrero, Wifredo林, 路易斯Martínez佩德罗, 马里亚诺·罗德里格斯, 和其他人. 除了陶瓷, 37绘画, 三个雕塑, 陶瓷作坊的档案资料也将展出.

At the helm of the Taller was physician 胡安·米格尔Rodríguez德拉克鲁兹, 谁制作和烧制陶瓷,主要雇佣女性, many of whom were trained at the prestigious Academia San Alejandro and other fine arts schools, 装饰商品. 这些陶艺家创造了自己的风格, establishing an artistic movement that garnered national and international recognition.

Among the artists whose work is included are key ceramicists at the Taller; they, 还有Rodríguez de la Cruz, welcomed the participation of renowned modernist painters and sculptors, 谁的作品也在展出. Represented in the exhibition are also those who worked in the milieu of the Taller. 她们是:玛尔塔·阿尔乔纳, Elia Rosa Fernández de Mendía, Mirta García Buch, 阿蕾冈萨雷斯, 罗莎·吉梅内斯, María Elena Jubrías, María Pepa Lamarque, 阿米莉亚Pelaez, 丽贝卡·罗巴克·马萨斯, Ofelia山姆, Wifredo Arcay, 奥古斯汀•Cardenas, Viredo埃斯皮诺萨, 马克西米利亚诺González Olazábal, 胡里奥·埃雷拉·萨帕塔, Wifredo林, ren Martínez Palenzuela, 路易斯Martínez佩德罗, josise María Mijares, 劳尔·米利安, Rene Portocarrero, 马里亚诺·罗德里格斯, 胡安·米格尔Rodríguez德拉克鲁兹, 和莱奥波尔多Romañach.

“I am honored to be introducing in this exhibition a whole generation of unknown or underrepresented Cuban women ceramic artists,策展人伊丽莎白·汤普森·戈伊祖塔说, 前太阳城网赌平台西班牙裔太阳城官网教员. “Their contributions are not limited to Cuba alone but rather are emblematic of the greater international mid-century modernist movement.

“直到现在, Cuban avant-garde design has been exclusively defined as a male-dominated movement. 在21世纪, we are finally recognizing the complexity and fullness of our societies and their participants,”她说。.

The trajectory of ceramics following the Cuban Revolution of 1959 is also explored in the exhibition. 据组织者介绍, many of those who worked at the Taller went on to found their own independent workshops, 进一步商业化, 和验收, 岛上精美的现代主义陶瓷.

这次展览的出借人包括一批著名的私人收藏, Cernuda法国当代艺术, 拉丁艺术核心, 泛美艺术项目, 西尔维娅和埃米利奥. 奥尔蒂斯,艾萨克和贝蒂·鲁德曼,还有几位匿名收藏家.

阿米莉亚PelÃ’(1896年~ 1968年)
拿鱼的女人| Mujer conpez, 1948
布面油画| óleo sobre lienzo, Col. Cernuda法国当代艺术

阿米莉亚Peláez(1896-1968)拿鱼的女人, 1948布面油画| óleo索布雷·连佐, Col. Cernuda法国当代艺术

迷惘的一代 is accompanied by a bilingual catalogue edited by Goizueta that illustrates each work in the exhibition. 罗伯托·科巴斯·阿马特的贡献, curator of Cuban avant-garde art and the Wifredo林 collection at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Havana; Alejandro Anreus, 艺术史和拉丁美洲/拉丁太阳城官网教授, formerly at William Paterson University; Thompson Goizueta; and Carol Damian, an art historian and curator formerly at Florida International University, the volume explores the origins of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century art in Cuba, 前两代的主角 vanguardia, the importance for Cuban modernism of the women ceramicists’ involvement in the Taller de Santiago de las Vegas, 以及女性艺术家对风格的贡献.

由麦克马伦博物馆组织, 迷惘的一代 has been underwritten by 太阳城网赌平台 with major support from the Patrons and the Hispanic Art Initiative of the McMullen Museum.

In-person and virtual programming is planned for the general public and museum members. For more information, and to sign up for events that require advance registration,  visit the 麦克马伦博物馆网站.